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Welcome to the 1018th Quartermaster Company Website!! From here you can navigate to find out what's been going on recently with our unit, as well as what may be happening in the near future! Updates should be coming soon, as pertinent information is trickled down to me. The more this site is visited, the more I'll keep updating it, so check back often! If you have any comments, questions, or ideas for the site feel free to contact me at Slinkyjoe3@yahoo.com!


Please send any pictures you have from any of our deployments to my Email Address (Slinkyjoe3@yahoo.com), or hand 'em over in person at the unit. I even coughed up my real address so you can send duplicates to the house, I have a scanner, no worries. Just go ahead and send them.



Download the Google Toolbar to block all those annoying pop-ups. Can't do much about them unless the site gets sponsored.
I now have Videos from the Guilderland Range, including one you won't want to miss, however, due to the limitations on bandwidth for this site, I am unable to upload them for your viewing pleasure. Tell your senior Officer's and NCO's to make this site official and we'll never have this problem again!

U P D A T E S :
15AUGUST2007: New Schedule
30JULY07: New Schedule, AT PICS!!! There's plenty more but I just don't have the bandwidth... sorry.
23JUNE07: New Schedule, New Pics!
03MAY07: New Schedule Info, WHOLE NEW DESIGN!!! Let me know what you think!!!

Tuesday March 11, 2025 12:41

If you'd like to contribute anything to the web site, please contact Cdt. Hutton at slinkyjoe3@yahoo.com or in person at the Unit. Or don't.

Last updated on 7/18/2009, 8:02:43 PM